Hi everyone,
I’m using this USB dongle for ADS-B: https://postimg.org/image/rbo4jtsrh/
Also I’m using the FA antenna 3m high above ground. I got around 200nm range with this setup.
I wonder if it will be better (to increase the range) to purchase a FA Pro Stick plus and replace my USB SDR dongle or buy any LNA+bandpass attached to my actual dongle?
Any comment on this please?
Thank you and best regards!
First of all, you should be able to drag and drop pictures here, not necessary to use a link.
200nm is a good range, you can check with heywhatsthat.com your maximum range. Also, check with nearby sites and compare numbers, to estimate how much potential there is to improve.
Upgrading from the most basic dongle almost always leads to better results, but rtl sdr-blog dongles are already pretty good.
The blue prostick has a filter, you could check how much noise you have at your location, look for the “Do I need a filter” thread on this board. However, it has to be said a separate filter might be better still.
200nm is not bad if that’s a consistent range. Heywhatsthat.com is great for theoretical ranges but does not take into account trees, buildings, etc. so don’t be disappointed if you don’t get anywhere near the ranges the site claims you can. Not sure which USB dongle you are using being your link is dead but if it is not a FlightAware dongle with a built in filter I would recommend adding a 1090Mhz filter such as the one FlightAware has made available especially if you are near any sort of cell phone tower. If you are running a non-filtered non-amped dongle I would highly recommend something like an Uptronics ADS-B filtered preamp.
Personally I always find myself going back to my NooElec NESDR Mini 2+ Al with an Uptronics 1090MHz ADS-B Filtered Preamp (HAB) setup shortly after I decide to try something new. The again I have been toying around with an AirSpy Mini I am beginning to fall in love with…
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Thank you both of you for you great help and tips!
Indeed the “heywhatsthat.com” gives indication of the possibility of getting better range in NW, W and SW direction. Guess there is really room for improvement.
According to a thread here regarding “do I need a filter” I had made a scan from 700 to 1350MHz. Picture is attached to this post.
I have seen good reviews for the Uptronics filtered amp but it is a bit costly and I’d like only to invest money in it if there are really good chances of improving significantly the range I’m getting…