Buenos dias ante todo¡ les hago una consulta, se puede compartir información? Ejemplo mostrar lo que se ve en skyview? Gracias¡
Good morning first of all, I ask you a question, can you share information? Example show what you see in skyview? Thank you
ICAO | Ident | Squawk | Altitude (ft) | Speed (kt) | Distance (NM) | Heading | Msgs | Age |
OACI | Identidad | Squawk | Altitud (ft) | Velocidad (kt) | Distancia (NM) | Dirección | Msgs | Edad |
OACI = Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional
Good job @abcd567.
And a feature request for FA. Add a column for Registration. If space is at a premium, consider dropping Ident.
A question of my own…what’s the meaning/value of Squawk?
Air traffic control units use the term “squawk” when they are assigning an aircraft a transponder code, e.g., “Squawk 7421”. Squawk thus can be said to mean “select transponder code” or “squawking” to mean “I have selected transponder code xxxx”.
The transponder receives interrogation from the Secondary Surveillance Radar on 1030 MHz and replies on 1090 MHz.
Thanks @abcd567.
My question was not properly phrased. For our purposes, as ‘operators’ of an ADS-B receiver, does it add any value?
When I look to aircraft data on SkyView, I simply ignore Squawk column
Ok…FA, regarding my feature request above. If space is at a premium, and you don’t want to delete Ident, delete Squawk instead.
Disculpen, formule mal mi pregunta, quise decir si puedo compartir de manera online esa información? o esta prohibida su reproducción, gracias¡
Excuse me, ask my question badly, I wanted to say if I can share this information online? or its reproduction is prohibited, thank you
Sí, es posible compartir los datos que recibió su receptor. La única limitación es la información MLAT recibida de Flightaware, no se debe compartir en línea, o retransmitir.
Ident is very useful if you look at Skyview and listen to air traffic control. It is the information that allows me to identify the aircraft on the screen that ATC is directing.
The registration field is available on the big data table in Skyview but around here only about 50% of aircraft show a registration but they all show an ident.
Here is the other way around, less than 50% shows ident. I can see its value when available.
I prefer registration because it does not change, and it’s always displayed on VRS.
YES, you can share, if by sharing you mean:
(1) Make the SkyView Map available on line for viewing globally through internet.
(2) Feed ADS-B data, received by your Antenna and Receiver (available at your receiver’s ports 30003 and 30005) to any other flight tracking site.
NO, you should not share, if by sharing you mean:
Feeding to other flight tracking sites, the MLAT data fed back to you by Flightaware.
Does ATC use Registration or Ident when talking to aircraft?
Most of the time I am not interested in either Ident or Reg but merely use it to connect what I hear with what I see.
Squawk is only useful around here when a plane changes to one of the emergency numbers when something goes wrong although most of the 77nn squawks are pilot error.
Registration is not always shown in Skyview. Where does VRS get it from?
I don’t know the procedures, as I don’t monitor ATC voice comms.
It gets the data from planebase.biz .
ATC uses a Flight Identification (Callsign) which can be a Flight Number eg DAL123
(Delta Airlines 123) or eg N105DL which is the aircraft registration.
The transponder code (squawk) is used by ATC to identify aircraft on radar screen,
is allocated to a flight during initial ATC clearance and can be changed as the
flight is going through different ATC Sectors eg New York Center, Boston Center, Montreal Center for a flight between New York and Montreal.
It is quite simplified here but for more info you can check
ICAO mode-S code blocks are assigned to countries. Countries then assign specific Mode-S codes to specific planes and then give them individual registration numbers. They work like license plates on cars but in the case of planes they are written on the tail and are called “tail numbers”.
ICAO mode-s code → assigned to countries in blocks → countries assign them to individual planes → registration number usually written on the tail
Dump1090 uses a free local table for registration information. I think it is about 1 year old so some might be out of date. There are a few online sources of registration information (like the FAA or airframes). Or you can click on the plane in skyview to view it flightaware.com. Then click on the registration button for the plane.
ATC uses a callsign when talking to a plane on the radio. Airlines can register callsigns instead of using their tail number. A callsign is usually an airline code followed by the flight number. If you want to listen to your local ATC there is a website called liveATC that puts the radio broadcasts on the internet.
You are free to use the PiAware ADSB data for any purpose.
There is only a rebroadcast restriction the the MLAT data feed.
EDIT: I misread your reply. I think you are saying the same thing. Registration=tail number.
Registration is usually the tail numbers.
Registration is given from the FAA and a plane is assigned this mode-S code and registration number. They usually write the registration number on the plane tail but it is also possible to write airline specific codes instead.
All the registration information is public on the FAA website.
Most planes are registered under a corporation so you don’t know who owns the aircraft.
In the USA registration are called N number because all US based planes start with N-