Cancun Timezone changes and departure time error

Having a problem with the departure times of flights leaving Cancun International ever since February when they changed timezones.

Arrival times are spot on with the airlines published time, but the departure times are being listed 1 hour earlier that the published time.

For example: [flight]AA1321[/flight] from Cancun (CUN) to Dallas (DFW) shows a departure time of 13:50, but the API returns 12:50.

Anyone else seeing this problem ??

FlightXML does not return local timestamps and instead uses epoch UTC seconds. This suggests that the local timezone interpretation is occurring within your application? If so, ensure that your operating system has the latest versions of the tz_data or zoneinfo packages installed.

Additionally, have you checked on our website to see whether the discrepancy also exists on those flight tracking pages?