November 26, 2015, 7:57pm
By the way all variants of 1/4 wave antenna are good - simple to make, easy to get right, and sure in performance. Coco and wire collinears are easy to make, but hard to get right, and mostly end up in poor performance.
Yes. I have a fair selection of failed 1090 antennas in the garage at the moment including 2 RG6 COCO, 1 RG213 COCO, 3 attempts at coiled wire collinear, 2 x 4 element hairpin collinear and an air insulated 5 element COCO.
So far the successes are the 1/4 waves , PY4ZBZ’s 2 element collinear? and a directional Vivaldi on PCB though i haven’t given up on the air insulated coco.
Has anyone measured (by test equipment) the Gain & SWR of these antennas? or has anyone compared the performance of these antennas with a benchmark antenna of known and confirmed performance?
Please see this post: