I’ve got one but it’s currently screwed to a box, 40ft up in the air.
Does anyone have one within easy reach?
My question is: Do you think I’d be able to attach it to the end of this contraption?
I’ve got one but it’s currently screwed to a box, 40ft up in the air.
Does anyone have one within easy reach?
My question is: Do you think I’d be able to attach it to the end of this contraption?
This page has a good picture: Review: FlightAware 1090 MHz ADS-B Antenna and Filter
The antenna is 64 cm, so you should be able to derive the bolt spacing.
The u-bolts should be long enough to accommodate a spacer block so that the antenna is offset sufficiently for the cable to clear the other mounting hardware and go directly into the box.
Fixing dimensions are, taken from here.:
- Bracket Dimensions
- 4 x 7mm Holes in Rectangular Pattern. Vertical Spacing: 39mm / Horizontal Spacing 48mm (Center to Center)
- 2 x 45mm Diameter Clamps
When you say attach to the end, do you mean in line with the pole, or perpendicular to it? If in line, then as long as that pole diameter is 25-45mm then the supplied u-bolts should do the job. If not, some bodging might be required.
Thanks guys. It’s more whether I can fit the u-bolts between the vertical support and the box with the balun in. I think it’ll fit.
I won’t be mounting the whole receiver up there, just the aerial and running coax down to the receiver box which will be about 10ft lower down.
Now I’ve tried it with the aerial that high, I don’t want to go back to how it was!
The u-bolt I have on the shelf has a diameter of 6mm, so it looks as though you have enough clearance to fit it there. You can always add a spacer between the pole and the antenna if you need more clearance to the existing mounts.
Edit - ah you mean right on the end. It looks like you should have vertical clearance, it’s just a matter of whether the connector clears the mounting block, but a spacer would fix that.
What’s really frustrating is that nowhere in the UK seems to have the aerial in stock. I don’t really want to take apart the box that I’ve got (because it’s rather well integrated). I’d rather put a spanky new one up there.
I found that recently as well. I ordered one of the antennas off the guy in Slovakia instead. Seems pretty good so far, though it’s still mounted inside atm.
Has anyone tried this one?
Power 100W, seems good for HAMs with transmitters
I have a bracket for the 978 antenna. I am assuming that it is the same size exactly as the 1090 antenna bracket.
The lower photo is the size of the whole thing; it is 2 5/8 inch (~6.7 cm). The first photo is the distance between the two boring holes, which is 1 7/8 inch (~4.75cm). If you want to know other dimension, let me know. The screws at the top are to hold the actual antenna (clearly I am not using those).
You can also consider the Jetvision A3 antenna. That has a single bracket to hold it. Also, it takes a pole up to 2 inch (looks like you won’t need that wide). I have great experiences with the A3 and recommend it. The dimensions, per Jetvision, are 120 x 80 x 25 mm (thus, less than an inch high). Check out the brochure on the ‘Technical Data’ tab. Looks like that one could well fit.
The Jetvision aerial looks potentially good, if I go for that then I’d need to pad out the mast as it’s only 20mm diameter where I’d be mounting it.
Something about that screams “don’t buy me”.
But it’s a tad expensive, isn’t it?
Could almost go for the DPD colinear antenna at that price point
(Well there is that factor of 2, but hey who’s counting)
The DPD aerial is over double the length as well. I would love one but it’d probably snap the centre support pole of the hexbeam.
/edit - I’ve been able to check and I think the DPD one would probably be absolutely fine.
My reaction was same, but it was too late for this guy:
Well, the bracket holds the antenna regardless of bolt. You would only need to find a way to have a u-bolt to hold the bracket to smaller pole (instead of widening the pole). For example, A3 comes with a round u-bolt. You could patronage the local equivalent of the Home Depot and get a square u-bolt. With a square u-bolt you may be able to affix it. Amazon in the US has a page designated to u-bolt only: https://www.amazon.com/u-bolts/b?node=16409751. So fun!