Antenna on roof, what cable to use?

First I used this; poor results.
Then I used this; much better results. They were on par with the results without that piece.

It is indeed (according to this). Then the Pro Stick must use more power then the cheap DVB-T stick since I haven’t had this problem before.

You need to use a decent 2-2.5Amp USB power supply to reliability.

I ran the RPI3 with the DVB-T stick with a 1A phone-charger fine for months. Either the charger is getting bad or the Pro Stick consumes more power.

I have seen position report numbers triple with the pro-stick, over the non-amp dongles.
You may also want to look at the gain optimisation threads. Some people had to turn their gain down to below 40 to get the best results.

I’ll do that. When I replaced the DVB-T stick with the Pro Stick results were only slightly better before I got the power-related problems (read: a big drop in results).

Will look for a decent charger sometime this weekend.