Antena 1090 mhz

If I have a 5dbi power antenna installed and I change it to a 9dbi one, would I have more coverage and reach more aircraft on my receiver?

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That depends on your location, if you are limited by geographical features ( mountains etc.) the effect might be limited.
Otherwise it should improve but the main factor is the location




9 years old (August 2015) post, but still valid:

What is the Maximum Range I can Get?



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It highly depends on your environment.

If you are surrounded already by moutains which limits your range, it’s very unlikely that an antenna swap in this power range would make a difference.

I started with a 3dB one, changed over to the 5dB of Jetvision, finally i ended up at 7.5dB Vinannt.
While it was a slight increase of coverage, the 5dB and the 7.5dB returned the same results.