Pretty much what he just said. The B787 and the issues it had with outsourced parts caused the delay in the production. Add into that the strike, and you have serious delays; delays enough to cause cancellations.
My fault. I didn’t see that he didn’t add anything past your quote.
FYI… LCAL is an aircraft leasing group based out of Dubai. The 16 B787s they cancelled were on behalf of RJA and/or RBA.
Additionally, Branson has popped up and taken Boeing to task for their delays, and telling them to resolve their labour issues. He’s even taken it as far as saying that if they can’t get their issues resolved and their act together, they’ll take their business and orders to Airbus and Brazils Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica SA (Embraer).
Reading the rest of the article, he sounds pretty pissed… and who can blame him.