Announcing the release of PiAware 6

That text didn’t display cleanly for me, either :face_with_monocle:
might be a clearer representation (adjusting the obvious IP address)

The text comments refer to “adaptive gain”, but the only setting I see is “range”.

adaptive-dynamic-range no

I changed no to yes, and then did
sudo systemctl restart piaware

Is that all I need to do?
Should I set my maximum range, since I can’t get past 150 NM?

I don’t see range, gain, nor adaptive in /var/log/piaware.log or


Is there any chance to disable the message regarding an outdated version as “anomaly”?

1. This system is running PiAware version 5.0. PiAware version 6.0 is current. Please upgrade to the latest version by visiting

I do have a Jetvision device running and the upgrade is not working there as usual, i have to wait for a release provided by Jetvision

I did a fresh install off the v6 .iso, but it came up in the portal as V 3.7 and stopped feeding. (Adoption was normal)

Is it a bad build?

Dynamic range is one of the adaptive gain modes.

You need to restart dump1090-fa, not piaware.

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There’s no .iso, did you mean the .img file?

The build is fine. There’s no way that that image could produce a v3.7 install, so you’ve got something else going on there.

I updated my PiAware from 5.0 to 6.0 today and everything seemed to go ok, but it’s not working. I’m getting error “no ADS-B data program is serving on port 30005, not starting multilateration client yet” in the logs and 1090 Radio is red on my status page.

I’ve tried rebooting it and also re-updating dump1090.

What else can I try?

What shows the command

sudo systemctl status dump1090-fa ?

Is the service running properly?

I also tried myip/dump1090-fa/data/stats.json and got a 404 error

This is what I get when I run that command:

● dump1090-fa.service - dump1090 ADS-B receiver (FlightAware customization)
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/dump1090-fa.service; enabled; vendor pres
   Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2021-09-04 19
  Process: 2903 ExecStart=/usr/share/dump1090-fa/start-dump1090-fa --write-json
 Main PID: 2903 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

If you are using a PiAware sdcard image, and you have configured the rtlsdr-ppm option in piaware-config.txt , please remove this option.

I don’t have this set in the file. All I have in the 1090 config section is rtlsdr-gain max

That’s the problem.
Does dump1090-fa identify the stick properly?

What does the command lsusb show as return?
It should show something like this:

Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0bda:2832 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL2832U DVB-T

If you did a fresh install it probably generated a new host key. If you are using ssh on unix, then you can remove the old host key. For example, if the IP of your PiAware device is then try the following command ‘ssh-keygen -R’ to remove the old entry. Then try to reconnect. Use ‘ssh-keygen -h’ for the list of options.

Thanks. I almost rebooted.

sudo systemctl restart dump1090-fa
(count to 100 slowly)
systemctl status dump1090-fa
shows some lines I didn’t have before. /var/log/syslog has the same messages.

Sep 04 12:46:57 piaware dump1090-fa[29526]: Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
Sep 04 12:46:57 piaware dump1090-fa[29526]: rtlsdr: tuner gain set to about 58.6 dB (gain step 29) (tuner AGC enabled)
Sep 04 12:46:57 piaware dump1090-fa[29526]: adaptive: using 50% duty cycle
Sep 04 12:46:57 piaware dump1090-fa[29526]: adaptive: enabled adaptive gain control with gain limits 0.0dB (step 0) … 58.6d
Sep 04 12:46:57 piaware dump1090-fa[29526]: adaptive: enabled dynamic range control, target dynamic range 30.0dB

I use Linux on my Notebook and only need to remove the previous key. A new host key is generated automatically during the first access.

An additional option is copying over an ssh-key to the Raspberry, That enables you to ssh without password from that host which generated the key

Try running the service start command manually and see what error it throws. This is what mine showed:

pi@piaware:/usr/share/dump1090-fa$ ./start-dump1090-fa --write-json %t/dump1090-fa
Unknown or not enough arguments for option '--ppm15'.

And just-in-case others have an issue after the update.
Coming from 3.8.01 to 6.
I have no extra options in my config file, using it as-is.
After updating, (from the command on my FA stats page) I had similar errors as you and quite a few more, the refused connections really confused me. I put the backup 3.8 SD card in and the system came up, saw it on my local PC but it was not talking to FA. Double-checked my network, all was OK.

I had been emailing with FA support (Thanks Cody) but nothing definite was determined.
I put the version 6 SD card back in, rebooted and left to run an errand.
I came back about an hour later AND everything was working.
While I"m thrilled it was working, I"d sure like to know what the problem was.

Good Luck,

Thanks for the suggestion. I read that FA are having issues and will not be supporting JESSIE LITE in the future, which is what I have been using for the past 5yrs. So, I have changed tact and started from scratch and loaded Buster Lite FA 6. I’ll know in a few hours if it fixes my issue.

Yes. Also when creating ssh-keys, don’t just create one without a passphrase as that key could then be used by anyone if it gets stolen. Protect it with a good long passphrase that is not used anywhere else. Best when you are using an ssh-agent so you don’t have to re-enter your passphrase everytime you use the key. Works great when using rsync to transfer files around between computers.

Finally you can create shortcuts in your .ssh/config file to specify alternate user names and IPs. For example I have something that looks like this

Host pi4
    user pi

Then I can just use ‘ssh pi4’ to connect to a specific host and login as the ‘pi’ user instead of my own.