Air Midwest Shut Down

AIr Midwest to Shut Down Passenger Operations

Bad news for the communities that will lose service. I can see NW/Mesaba picking up a few of the stronger MO or AR markets (like Columbia) to serve out of MEM and maybe UA/SkyWest or AAEagle picking up Visalia or Merced - I think the rest will be left out.

I actually have a list of who will be picking up their destinations.

The only airports that will be losing all services are Prescott, Kingman, Athens, Farmington, and El Dorado. The rest of the airports have been picked up by someone else.

AP article (via on Air Midwest, Prescott, and the whole EAS thingy

I think we will see many more communities (small) losing service. The extra cost makes it unattractable, and many EAS cities are costing millions each years. Personally, I think they should get rid of EAS, but that’s another arguement for a different day.