Hi Everyone,
I heard that at Oshkosh Bendix King announced they are going to start using satillite weather supported by XM radio for it’s use with it current DataLink/FIS weather systems. My question is, is this going to allow all the information that WXWorks now gives it customers with XM and Garmin who also uses XM to be viewed by the Bendix King Equipment.
Read my post on the Malibu/Mirage Owner Pilots Association web page.
Re: honeywell satellite WxWorx XM receiver KDR 610
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I got a hold of Bill Reavis this afternoon who did not know the NEXRAD resolution change on the KMD850 with the new KDR 610 receiver. He forwarded me to Dan Barks and I hope to hear from him soon. Will post what the changes are to the KMD 850 when I know.
Dan Barks called me ths afternoon. The changes on the KMD 850 for weather information with the KDR 610 are:
NEXRAD imagery is now 2 km x 2 km. Still 4 color gradients for precipitation, green/yellow/red/magenta.
Product is now composite reflectivity rather than base reflectivity
Text content of the FIS is the same.
PIREPs (as text product) no longer available
Winds aloft graphics will be available in the next release
No changes in the “North-up only” presentation of the FIS-B KMD 850, and still no “auto zoom”
The KDR 510 pricing wise is $4,295 plus $200 for top-mounted antenna. Same adaptor card in the KMD 850 will work with the KDR 610.
Subscription pricing is from XM radio (for the WxWorx content) so that is different than KDR 510 current subscribers. $600/year for full “aviator” package.