Where do you access FlightAware from

I don’t think this poll has been done before If it has, it was a long time ago.

This poll is in the General section because, unlike birthdays, it meets the section’s description:

General FlightAware discussions, usage tips, questions, bugs, and more.

(emphasis mine)

What about just “from Home”?

So far this year:

From home.

From son’s home.

From either daughter’s home.

From an FBO.

From my car.

From various public WAPs (McD’s, etc.)

From hotels.

From airport WAPs.

From various marinas.

Probably forgot a few.

Sorry - that accidentally got deleted from the poll.

The list wasn’t meant to be all inclusive - I should have added an “other” category. Unfortunately, I don’t think I can edit the poll. :frowning:

Perhaps stretching a point but Internet Cafe can include all eating places such as McDonalds.

I put home and work. . . Which is true, I work at home, so. . . :blush:

I always look at it at home and on the bus to and from school. (It’s a 1/2 hour ride, what else is there to do??)

There’s WiFi on the short bus!!! :open_mouth:


He may not be accessing the Internet via Wi Fi on a bus. He may have a smart phone. No need to have Wi Fi to access the Internet via a smart phone. I do it all the time.

Actually I am about to get a smart phone. The cable/phone/internet company (Optimum) has some WiFi spots along major roads, and I use that on my iPod. Oh, and yes, it is a short bus but not for that reason. It’s for this: newstranscript.gmnews.com/news/2 … e/048.html

Sweet! Good luck with that, knowing how things work can be very rewarding on many levels.

Yes, it can. And thanks.

Internet on a bus!?!

One of the transit lines here boasts about the Wi Fi available on its transbay buses. Also, the Capitol Corridor train has Wi Fi on it.

Man! It’s amazing what they can do with all of this technology, especially what they do with cell phones! :open_mouth:


:laughing: :laughing:

So noted. So corrected.

:smiley: :wink:

Just from home - KSAN.

One problem with this poll is that there is a major selection missing. From phone or mobile device. I use mine more from my smart phone, especially when waiting for flights, but I use it a lot at work to track flights that i am working.


By “where,” I mean a location, not a device.