I’ve had my pi running on wifi, but if I reboot my router or the wifi goes down for any reason the pi won’t re-connect unless I reboot it. In an effort to curb that, I plugged it into ethernet (known good cable, known good switch port) and the port doesn’t light up and it doesn’t connect. My Comcast… sorry… Xfinity… router reboots every Tuesday night and I have to power cycle the flippin’ pi to bring it back online. How do I stop this?
You can enable a regular ping from the Pi to the router. Once the ping is not replied, the device is rebooted.
I have this on all of my devices and it works perfect.
Doesn’t solve the connection issue but automates the required reboot. It is more a workaround than a solution
I am using this script:
pingfail · wiedehopf/adsb-scripts Wiki · GitHub
and modified it with two IP adresses where one is my own router and the other one is a reliable internet server (e.g. google DNS) which is unlikely to be down.
Only if both ping attempts fail, the device is going to reboot.
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