Weird lightning strike - Flight 1426 to PIT

Is there any way to hear the tower communications from Cleveland Center last night?
I was on FLT 1426 from ATL to PIT and we had a lightning strike on approach to PIT. What made it odd was that no lightning was visible prior to or after the bolt hit the aircraft.
I asked the pilot if that happens often and he said “not often enough that it doesn’t give us a scare when it does”.

Pretty scary experience. Ironically the local news station here reported that many people heard a single clap of thunder last evening, which of course was caused by the lightning hitting my plane. :slight_smile:

I am assuming you are referring to DAL1426. It appears that the feed provider for KPIT Tower, Approach, Ground and ZOB Cleveland Center seems to be down since 11/04/09.

Yes, DAL1426.
I noticed the feeds were down as well. I’m sure it would’ve been interesting chatter.
I realize it’s not a big deal and happens pretty often, but many folks called KDKA (local news) here in Pittsburgh reporting a flash, ball of light and then a loud boom at about the same time. I e-mailed the news to let them know that the folks likely saw the lightning strike on the plane as it was just about ready to break through the cloud deck. They wanted to interview me for the news (wasn’t really my point of reporting it), but Delta and KPIT representatives denied the incident so it couldn’t be collaborated.

Oh well, I’ve been on about 100 flights the past 2 years, and I’m hopeful I can go another 100 without it happening again. :slight_smile:

Why? What happened to you?

Did it cause you to grow an extra limb or something?

Other than creating a bit of anxiety…nothing, but thanks for your concern.