Waypoint J522

I live just north of YYZ and the heavies en route from Asia to JFK or EWR fly almost directly over my house and many follow a flight plan YYZ J522 IGN IGN8

I have tried to locate the J522 waypoint but I can’t find anything on it.

I looked on airnav.com and it didn’t show anything. Is this not a typical waypoint?

Is there another database that lists these kinds of points?


Example flights for reference:

J522 is a high altitude airway for jets and not a waypoint.

V522 would be an airway for small pistons like myself at the lower altitudes

I found a very nice website that not only lists all the airways, that will also map the airway on a Google map.

Go to puck.nether.net/faa/nav-info.cgi?nav= search for the airway (very long web page) click on the airway link to come up with a text version describing the airway. Then click at the top of the second web page “draw it” and this will overlay the airway on a Google map.

Some of the routes looked somewhat strange, but J522 looked ok, but as stated on the web, not that you would (I hope) don’t use for navigation. :smiley:


Yep - J522 is a high altitude airway which crosses over the Toronto VOR. You can go to the SKYVECTOR Web site, type in CYYZ in the “Location Lookup” field to the upper right of the page. That’ll show you Pearson Int’l on a VFR sectional chart. Then click on the “Enroute H-11” link and you’ll see it on the High Altitude chart. Zoom out a couple of clicks and you can see that J522 crosses from the northwest to the east-southeast. Looks like the planes make an 11 degree turn to the left over the VOR, and then a 23 degree turn to the right 37 nautical miles after crossing the VOR and then heads to the Rochester VOR.

lieberma, not being a pilot, if I were to be flying a plane, innacurate navigation charts would be the least of my worries! :smiley:

Needlenose, that SKYVECTOR site is just what I’ve been looking for.

On a related topic, now that I understand that J5xx are high-altitude airways how do the they differ from the NCA xx TRACKS?

Thanks again,

Airways generally follow routes between land based NavAids such as VORs and NDBs. The trans oceanic routes are generally defined by coordinates based on latitude/longitude.