I was reading FlightSaftey a few months ago and they mentioned using a VFR Ontop Clearance. I know the textbook definition is a clearance to fly in accordance with IFR and VFR rules. Specifically this includes maintaining VFR altitudes and cloud/visibility regulations while still on your IFR flight plan.
I was wondering in the sense of practical application, when it would be of use? My understanding (which may be incorrect) is it could be used to transition a high-density traffic area where you may otherwise require re-routing. For example, it is unlikely I could file and receive a route which transitions through Chicago’s class Bravo. Instead of receiving an entire new route would this be a situation where I could request VFR ontop through that part of the flight? Thus, controllers would expect me to see and avoid my own traffic act more as “flight following” rather than see me as an IFR aircraft, lowering their workload.
Is this correct? Any insight from controllers also is welcomed and greatly appreciated!
Agreed. But do you know if they would deny an ontop clearance? Obviously they wouldn’t let a VFR flight transition on through, and they would re-route an IFR flight around the airspace. But, if it’s IFR while operating VFR ontop I would think it might be a possibility.