Unable to create new Push alert

I’m getting a 500 error – internal server error trying to add a new push notification to our current Flight alerts. Here’s the php code.

<?php $options = array( 'trace' => true, 'exceptions' => 0, 'login' => 'Scott*******', 'password' => '12345678**********************************', ); $client = new SoapClient('http://flightxml.flightaware.com/soap/FlightXML2/wsdl', $options); $params = array( 'alert_id' => '', 'ident' => 'N690LS', 'channels' => '{16 e_filed e_departure}', 'max_weekly' => 100, ); $result = $client->SetAlert($params); print_r($result); ?>

Other operations such as GetAlerts work fine with the given options and client settings.
Am I missing something or is there another method I can use to add another aircraft to our push notifications?

The 500 error is most likely coming from your PHP host and is likely logging something like PHP Fatal error: SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: object has no 'origin' property. Please try completing the parameters array:

$params = array(
    'alert_id' => '',
    'ident' => 'N690LS', 
    'origin' => '',
    'destination' => '',
    'aircrafttype' => '',
    'date_start' => '',
    'date_end' => '',
    'channels' => '{16 e_filed e_departure}',
    'enabled' => 1,
    'max_weekly' => 100, 

Thanks! Including the optional parameters worked.