Track log AWOL and expected route question

Today’s flight … /KMBO/KMBO

Track log shows no history (does show up in FBOWeb). My previous round robins it displayed. Seems based on my wife’s text messages Flight Aware did get my changed flight plan as she got both MBO-GWO and MBO-MBO about 10 minutes later.

Expected route appears to be way off? FSS put in GWO as my route, but there is no GWO fix. Expected track took me over the city of Greenwood when I look in Earth view? My flight track is spot on in Earth view. Did Flight Aware some how interpolate what FSS put in as the city of Greenwood?

I knew my cross wind component was very large (35 knots across the nose), but not that large that I would have completely missed the expected track :slight_smile: