i was lucky enough to be assigned to our buf base this past weekend with our hangar at the end of 14 on sierra ramp. while not on a mission spent my time watching traffic. my question is why do some swa a/c have hearts w/ numbers in them on their fuselage?
Do you mean the heros of the heart of the hearts with the numbers on them?
Heroes of the Heart Awards were given annually to one behind-the-scenes group of workers, whose department name was painted on a specially designed plane for a year.
That might be one possibility.
could be. have no idea
saw both actually but the hearts with the number in it were most prevalent. is it the acknowledgement?
I tried every search engine and I’m stumped. That’s all I could dig up.
i did the same thing and the most info came from you guys. thanks a ton for the help
Where is our resident SWA cough guru cough dami when we need him? How worthless!!
I always figured the hearts were a reference to LUV.
There are two issues here. There is one plane that is named Triple Crown and has a large “olympic” style medal with a large heart painted over the entire airplane. It represents the sweep of all three catagories the DOT rates airlines (hence the name “Triple Crown”): Customer satisfaction, ontime performance & baggage handling. The DOT rates airlines each quarter or four times per year. SWA swept every quarter for 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 & 1996 consecutively.
The small hearts, as previously stated denote the “Heroes of the Heart” program, given to one department every year on Valentine’s Day for outstanding service.
The number one also helps to identify their #1 service. Many years ago they ran with an ad campaign with Bob Marley’s “One LUV”
see what cfijames said - it’s what I was going to say
Still worthless since cfijames beat you to it…
Since this is a Southwest question, you could visit their blog
and ask them and get the answer from the horse’s mouth.
I’m sure they would luv to answer you.
Why ask when what cfijames said is correct?
I thought the hearts with the number in them represented charity flights that the particular aircraft made.
NOPE! Thought wrong.
Wow - nice response
you must have a lot of friends…
Actually, for Dave, that was quite friendly…
yeah, I’ve been reading and trying to determine the LUV and HATES around here (had to keep it relevant to the topic!)