Signatures in Forums

Can we get that turned on? With some guidelines of course.

So you can bang your head in the signature too??? :smiley:

I’ve never been a fan of sig files in forums; really a short text one isn’t a problem, but it always turns into large images being included. The forum software doesn’t really support enforcing any guidelines and I don’t know that we want to start policing the situation as this forum becomes more and more popular.

Ditto - especially the part about images. If people could keep it down to 1 or 2 lines of text then it would be okay. But you know that some will put in a picture the size of Texas in their signatures.

. . . or the big screen pop-up image showing the current position of their plane! :smiley:

I don’t like either one and turn them off when at all possible.
Is that possible? Thanks, Jan in Iowa

I think some consideration should be given to images in postings especially as the number increase.
D Bakers pic (yay Hobbes) represents a reasonable size and I think MooneyGuy(?) runs a pic of his plane but look at JetPhotos discussions (as one example) and see the number of overbold, garish images, banners, self publicity that I think detract from the text - perhaps there is nothing important in the text in the first place?
Is it worth putting some control/moderation on this?

Bah humbug I hear you cry! IN (UK)

You could change your forum software and not loose any members or posts to a much more stable one that has restrictions that you can limit signatures to just a few lines of text.

By far the best forum software there is. :smiley:

or you could just type your signature each time you post, not too hard


see, easy to do

I’m sure we’re open to switching forum software if there is a compelling reason (this is probably not one), but switching to MySQL is not up for debate :slight_smile:

Daniel Baker wrote:

I’ve never been a fan of sig files in forums; really a short text one isn’t a problem, but it always turns into large images being included. The forum software doesn’t really support enforcing any guidelines and I don’t know that we want to start policing the situation as this forum becomes more and more popular.

I have to add my 2 cents also. Some other discussion boards I have visited are just filled with pages of sigs. It gets annoying after a while. It’s the old give an inch and they’ll take a mile syndrome. Some people (read “most”) will abuse it. Please keep ours short and sweet. Thanks!

Ok…thanks for the opinions guys!