RPi3 WiFi interface failure

The other SD card I used was one from the AIY Voice project.

I’ve wiped the card and started again.
It seems OK now, it’s showing 91 aircraft overhead, although my online feed
richardlawes ADS-B Feeder Statistics - FlightAware hasn’t been updated yet?

Thanks for your help, it’s odd that it should just stop at 15:10 like it did.

Copy the feeder id from that page (It’s called Unique Identifier)

on the pi use the following command
piaware-config feeder-id 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc

sudo piaware-config feeder-id ##################
Set feeder-id to ############### in /etc/piaware.conf:7
pi@raspberrypi:~ $

Brilliant, thanks.
And noted too for next time!

It’s already noted somewhere :wink:: PiAware - Upgrade PiAware to the latest version - FlightAware

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