Hello, my name is Stephan,
I come from Lower Saxony in Germany. I hope I’m doing everything right with my first post.
So far, I have always been able to solve all my problems bit by bit myself but not this time, I am facing a problem and unfortunately the support is not helping me.
The summary: I provide ADS-B data for 8 different networks. I have a Raspberry Pi 4 with Pi OS x32, bullseye lite. I had tried Bookworm x64 but had problems with the service provider, Planefinder. The stick I use for this is the FlightAware Pro Stick Plus, Dump1090-FA.
Now comes the issue with the support, as I also use AirNav Radarbox, I came across the advertisement of their subsidiary, ShipXplorer. I bought their AIS dongle and that’s when the problems started.
According to their description, parallel operation works: Coverage Network - ShipXplorer - Global Vessel Tracking Intelligence | Live Vessel Tracker and Port Status but as soon as I carry out the steps from 1a onwards, all my feeders stop working.
I get the following message back at point 1e:
feederadmin@adsbfeederpios:~ $ rtl_eeprom -d 0 -p AIS -s 00000060
Found 1 device(s):
0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
usb_claim_interface error -6
Failed to open rtlsdr device #0.
The error message I got with 1C was similar but unfortunately I had forgotten to write it down.
Found 2 device(s):
0: Generic RTL2832U
1: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U
Detached kernel driver
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
Current configuration:
Vendor ID: 0x0bda
Product ID: 0x2832
Manufacturer: Realtek
Product: RTL2832U
Serial number: 00001000
Serial number enabled: yes
IR endpoint enabled: no
Remote wakeup enabled: no
New configuration:
Vendor ID: 0x0bda
Product ID: 0x2832
Manufacturer: Realtek
Product: ADSB
Serial number: 00000010
Serial number enabled: yes
IR endpoint enabled: no
Remote wakeup enabled: no
Write new configuration to device [y/n]?
I then click no, because the configuration already seems to be there.
Found 2 device(s):
0: Generic RTL2832U
1: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U
Detached kernel driver
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
Current configuration:
Vendor ID: 0x0bda
Product ID: 0x2832
Manufacturer: Realtek
Product: RTL2832U
Serial number: 00001000
Serial number enabled: yes
IR endpoint enabled: no
Remote wakeup enabled: no
New configuration:
Vendor ID: 0x0bda
Product ID: 0x2832
Manufacturer: Realtek
Product: AIS
Serial number: 00000060
Serial number enabled: yes
IR endpoint enabled: no
Remote wakeup enabled: no
When I look at the configurations, the assignments of both sticks seem to correspond to the instructions. But as soon as both sticks are plugged into the Raspberry, ADS-B no longer works.
Basically, the SDR stick from ShipXplorer works. I was able to install it on a second Raspberry with the same OS version without any problems.
I have not analyzed further, as I unfortunately only have rudimentary Linux knowledge.
Greetings Stephan