Rough Day in the Northeast

I imagine there will be some NTSB reports coming out shortly after today’s hectic day of flying in the northeast. I was flying back from Aruba in the Mustang and as I closed in on the Washington / New York / Philly Bravos - the chatter on severe turbulence, severe icing, diverted flights, wind shear, insane winds, etc all came over the radios. There were several airliners a 737 and an Airbus alone talking to Washington center reporting severe turbulence with a shaken-up crew. The pireps had a Gulfstream IV near KABE that encountered severe turbulence that resulted in the failure of navigation and weather equipment. I only encountered moderate turbulence, icing and insane winds, but it was clear the skies over the north east were not favorable for flying.

After landing in ABE in what were pretty intense winds - parts of the airport lost electricity (no serious systems seemed to go down, just some hangers and FBO’s), and the awning at the FBO blew off.

How do you like flying the mustang?

It is a great, integrated aircraft with the best situational awareness available. There are some very minor bugs, but not even worth mentioning compared to what some of the other VLJ type aircraft are going through.

Yes…yesterday was a bit nutty :open_mouth: … I flew in the NY area yesterday afternoon. Several holds, icing, heavy rain, moderate to severe turbulence, 100+ knot winds in the upper teens during one hold, an ILS to mins in moderate turbulence with ± 15 kt. speed deviations and surface winds gusting to 40 kts, altimeter settings of 29.20, temperatures 20 degrees above standard at FL400… That was one of the strongest low pressure weather systems that I’ve flown in, in a very long time. That first beer tasted very good when I got home last night…and it sure felt good to sleep in this morning… :wink:

Cessna Citation Mustang Very Light Jet (VLJ) - YouTube)

Damn I wish the RJ I flew had that panel that would be sweet!!

Glad all you folks made it home OK yesterday. James was here yesterday and we stood and watched the weather sweep in across our small lake, marveling at the gusts.

At least it wasn’t snow like in CLE.

Nor was it in ALB, but from the commercial side of flying things…

I was trying to fly out of KALB last night (08MAR). Bad weather in the northeast forced several diversions, including:

Republic 3242 tried twice to land at KPVD twice, gave up and came to Albany for more fuel

Chautauqua 6317 had a LONG day. It made life even more pleasant in the terminal that there were about 30 children on this flight, who apparently thought that the airport was a playground, including an unused ticket counter! No one, including their chaperones, saw fit to do anything about it.

I also heard announcements about a diverted Continental Express flight, but missed the number.

My own flight (AWA4015) never even made it out of KPHL to come north. I gave up and bought a ticket on Southwest to KBAL. Even it was an hour late.