How-to Read / Set Gain from SkyView and Gmap


For Raspbian Jessie/Stretch + dump1090-fa package install

Only Step-1 is different for Jessie and Stretch, rest is same.

STEP-1 (JESSIE): Install necessary php packages and enable module

sudo apt-get update   
sudo apt-get install php5-cgi   
sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi-php   
sudo /etc/init.d/lighttpd force-reload   

STEP-1 (STRETCH): Install necessary php packages and enable module

sudo apt-get update   
sudo apt-get install php7.0-cgi   
sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi-php   
sudo /etc/init.d/lighttpd force-reload   


STEP-2: Set up existing user www-data

2.1 - Assign strong password to existing user www-data, and add it to sudoer’s group

sudo passwd www-data   
sudo adduser www-data sudo   
groups www-data   

2.2 - REBOOT to enable permissions for www-data

sudo reboot


STEP-3: Create new directory and files

3.1 - Create new directory

sudo mkdir /var/www/html/setgain   

3.2 - Move inside the new directory

cd /var/www/html/setgain/   

3.3 - Inside directory /var/www/html/setgain, create a new blank file, make it executable

sudo touch   
sudo chmod +x   

3.4 - Open newly created file in nano editor

sudo nano   

3.5 - Add code to the new file
(In code below, replace xxxxxxxxx by the actual password you have set for user www-data)

NOTE: Some of code lines are very long. Scroll Right to see these in full

echo 'xxxxxxxxxx' | sudo -S sed -i '/RECEIVER_OPTIONS=.*/c\RECEIVER_OPTIONS="--device-index 0 --gain '$1' --ppm 0 --net-bo-port 30005"' /etc/default/dump1090-fa   

echo 'xxxxxxxxxx' | sudo -S systemctl restart dump1090-fa   

Save (Ctrl+o) and Close (Ctrl+x) the file.

3.6 - Inside directory /var/www/html/setgain, create a new blank file, make it executable

sudo touch   
sudo chmod +x   

3.7 - Open newly created file in nano editor

sudo nano   

3.8 - Add code to the new file
(In code below, replace xxxxxxxxx by the actual password you have set for user www-data)

NOTE: Some of code lines are very long. Scroll Right to see these in full

echo 'xxxxxxxxxx' | sudo -S awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i=="--gain") print $(i+1)}' /etc/default/dump1090-fa  

Save (Ctrl+o) and Close (Ctrl+x) the file.



4.1 - Create a new file gain.php in folder /usr/share/dump1090-fa/html

cd /usr/share/dump1090-fa/html/
sudo nano gain.php   

4.2 - Copy-paste following code in newly created blank file gain.php

NOTE: Some of code lines are very long. Scroll Right to see these in full

 <form id="myform" action="gain.php" method="post" />
  <input type="text" name="gain" id="gain" maxlength="5" size="4" value="<?php system('/var/www/html/setgain/');?>" />
  <input type="submit" value="Set Gain" style="color:#ffffff;background-color:#00A0E2;border-color:#00B0F0;" />

function setgain(){
system("/var/www/html/setgain/ $gain  >> /tmp/gain.log 2>&1");

if ("{$_POST['gain']}"){

Save (Ctrl+o) and Close (Ctrl+x)


5.1 - Next step is to edit file index.html in folder /usr/share/dump1090-fa/html.
BEFORE EDITING, make its backup copy. This will enable you to revert in case something goes wrong.

cd /usr/share/dump1090-fa/html/
sudo cp index.html index.bak.html

#Check to ensure back-up copy has been created by giving ls command


#The output should contain both index.html and index.bak.html
config.js    formatter.js    layers.js         script.js
db           images          markers.js        spinny.gif
dbloader.js  index.bak.html  ol                style.css
flags.js     index.html      planeObject.js    test
flags-tiny   jquery          registrations.js  upintheair.json


5.2 - Open the file index.html for editing

cd /usr/share/dump1090-fa/html/  
sudo nano index.html  

5.3 - Press Ctrl+w then type buttonContainer then press Enter key.
The cursor will jump to line containg word buttonContainer, as shown below

			<div class="logoContainer">
				<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="images/fa_logo_color.png" alt="FlightAware" class="flightawareLogo" srcset="images/fa_logo_color.png 1x, images/fa_logo_color@2x.png 2x, images/fa_logo_color@3x.png 3x"></a>
				<img src="images/pa-sv-logo.png" alt="PiAware SkyView" class="adsbLogo piAwareLogo" srcset="images/pa-sv-logo.png 1x, images/pa-sv-logo@2x.png 2x, images/pa-sv-logo@3x.png 3x">
				<img src="images/ff-sv-logo.png" alt="FlightFeeder SkyView" class="adsbLogo flightfeederLogo" srcset="images/ff-sv-logo.png 1x, images/ff-sv-logo@2x.png 2x, images/ff-sv-logo@3x.png 3x" style="display: none;">

			<div class="buttonContainer">
				<div class="dateTime" id="clock_div"></div>
				<div class="button buttonHeader" onclick="resetMap();"><span class="buttonText">Reset Map</span></div>


5.4 - Just above line <div class="buttonContainer">, insert following 3 lines

<div id="GAIN" style="text-align:center;width:175px;height:65px;">   
<iframe src=gain.php style="border:0;width:175px;height:65px;"></iframe>   
</div> <!----- GAIN --->   

After insertion of 3 lines, the code will be like shown below:

			<div class="logoContainer">
				<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="images/fa_logo_color.png" alt="FlightAware" class="flightawareLogo" srcset="images/fa_logo_color.png 1x, images/fa_logo_color@2x.png 2x, images/fa_logo_color@3x.png 3x"></a>
				<img src="images/pa-sv-logo.png" alt="PiAware SkyView" class="adsbLogo piAwareLogo" srcset="images/pa-sv-logo.png 1x, images/pa-sv-logo@2x.png 2x, images/pa-sv-logo@3x.png 3x">
				<img src="images/ff-sv-logo.png" alt="FlightFeeder SkyView" class="adsbLogo flightfeederLogo" srcset="images/ff-sv-logo.png 1x, images/ff-sv-logo@2x.png 2x, images/ff-sv-logo@3x.png 3x" style="display: none;">

<div id="GAIN" style="text-align:center;width:175px;height:65px;">   
<iframe src=gain.php style="border:0;width:175px;height:65px;"></iframe>   
</div> <!----- GAIN --->   

			<div class="buttonContainer">
				<div class="dateTime" id="clock_div"></div>
				<div class="button buttonHeader" onclick="resetMap();"><span class="buttonText">Reset Map</span></div>

Save (Ctrl+o) and Close (Ctrl+x)

5.5 - Go to page IP-of-PI/dump1090-fa/ and check gain setting add-on appears as shown in screenshot below.

The value show at browser load or re-load is your current gain value.

If you want to change it, replace the value displaced by value desired and click “Set Gain” button. The value in gain box will briefly show your previous setting, then show your current (changed) setting.

Check the gain value by following command. The last line of output of this command will show the actual value of gain used.

sudo systemctl status dump1090-fa -l    
