one of my 2 sites was down for a while because of a failed RasPi Zero W. With the new 3B+ and the same SD-Card I find all 3 labels in the stat page are red.
The FlightAware flag says “Feeder has not recently checked in with FlightAware” but on the r/h side of the screen “Feeder Check-in:” indicates check-in 2 minutes ago.
Also the MLAT line shows that 394 nearby feeders are synchronized and several thousand MLAT reported positions today whilst the MLAT flag stays red. Thus, the feed is there.
Does anybody has an idea what might be wrong with these symtoms?
Thank you for the hint
=> the orange bar is empty (except for site no. and name)
=> the log window only shows numbers of messages received from dump1090-fa, MLAT-client and such.
No signs of any malfunction, except the red flags.
@foxhunter you should access your device via ssh and check the logs in detail. The window on FA cuts older messages.
==> in which directory on the RasPi can I find the logs?
And what device/install is it? A FA feeder image or the FA package on top of a Raspberry installation?
==> RasPi 3B+, only piaware 9.0.1 and dump1090-fa on the SD-Card.
@tech0 Instead of chasing ghosts, reinstall everything from scratch. It’ll take only a few minutes.
==> that is what I like to do. Will I be able to do that without having physical access to the RasPi as it is installed close to the antenna on the roof?
Best practices is to start with a new microSD and install everything from scratch (must have physical RPi access). Otherwise, purge everything except the OS from the RPi - use sudo apt purge [package name] and install new packages via ssh. @abcd567 has several scripts to do the work.