Raspberry Pi Debian images - Latest Releases

First install missing package wget to enable following bash scripts to run

sudo apt-get install wget

Next make a folder named Flightaware to hold sorce codes and build packages

sudo mkdir Flightaware

Every time you want to run any of bash-scripts, first enter the directory Flightaware

cd Flightaware


Run following scripts from inside folder Flightaware:

piaware ver 5.0 - Built from source-code (master branch)

sudo bash -c "$(wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abcd567a/piaware-ubuntu20-amd64/master/install-piaware.sh)"

dump1090-fa ver 6.0~dev - Built from source-code (development branch)

sudo bash -c "$(wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abcd567a/piaware-ubuntu20-amd64/master/install-dump1090-fa.sh)"

After above bash script completes installation of dump1090-fa, run following command:

sudo wget -O /etc/udev/rules.d/rtl-sdr.rules "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/osmocom/rtl-sdr/f2a9a81/rtl-sdr.rules"




dump978-fa ver 5.0 - Built from source-code (master branch)

sudo bash -c "$(wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abcd567a/piaware-ubuntu20-amd64/master/install-dump978-fa.sh)"

Assign Dongle Serials

dump1090-fa ver 6.0~dev
sudo sed -i 's/^RECEIVER_SERIAL=.*/RECEIVER_SERIAL=00001090/' /etc/default/dump1090-fa

dump978-fa ver 5.0
sudo sed -i 's/driver=rtlsdr[^ ]* /driver=rtlsdr,serial=00000978 /' /etc/default/dump978-fa


piaware-web ver 5.0 - Built from source-code (master branch)

sudo bash -c "$(wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abcd567a/piaware-ubuntu20-amd64/master/install-piaware-web.sh)"




Flightradar24 Feeder

sudo bash -c "$(wget -O - https://repo-feed.flightradar24.com/install_fr24_rpi.sh)"


Planefinder Feeder

wget  http://client.planefinder.net/pfclient_5.0.161_armhf.deb  
sudo dpkg -i pfclient_5.0.161_armhf.deb  


Radarbox24 Feeder

wget http://apt.rb24.com/inst_rbfeeder.sh 
sudo sed -i 's/^VERS=`lsb_release -c.*/VERS=buster/' inst_rbfeeder.sh 
sudo bash inst_rbfeeder.sh  




Whenever I issued a command starting with sudo, I got this message:
sudo: unable to resolve host rpi2-20210823: Name or service not known

In spite of the above comment, the sudo command did execute, but the comment was quiet annoying. I finally found solution as follows:

The file /etc/hostname has the host name rpi2-20210823

pi@rpi2-20210823:~$ cat /etc/hostname 



The file /etc/hosts does NOT have hostname rpi2-20210823

pi@rpi2-20210823:~$ cat /etc/hosts       localhost 
::1             localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1         ip6-allnodes
ff02::2         ip6-allrouters


I added rpi2-20210823 in the following line localhost
so it became: localhost rpi2-20210823

Saved the file, and rebooted.
The annoying remark disappeared :smile:


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