I have been using my Pi and Piaware for about a month, It had been working flawlessly, Then it was upgraded to 1.20. Now it stops about every day. Also my password was not changed. Still the old ones.
Ideas? Best way to troubleshoot. I am wireless and headless. Using RDP to access.
Get the flightaware email that my data has stopped. Can’t access web page on device or RDP in to device.
You don’t know if the Pi stops or the WiFi networking fails
I’m sure I saw something here last week about having a tiny script that rebooted the pi if the networking went down - the script was set to run every 5 minutes.
echo “Starting WiFi check for $wlan”
Check to see if there is a lock file
if -e $lockfile ]; then
# A lockfile exists… Lets check to see if it is still valid
pid=cat $lockfile
if kill -0 &>1 > /dev/null $pid; then
# Still Valid… lets let it be… #echo “Process still running, Lockfile valid”
exit 1
# Old Lockfile, Remove it #echo “Old lockfile, Removing Lockfile”
rm $lockfile
If we get here, set a lock file using our current PID#
#echo “Setting Lockfile”
echo $$ > $lockfile
We can perform check
echo “Performing Network check for $wlan”
/bin/ping -c 2 -I $wlan $pingip > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
if $? -ge 1 ] ; then
echo “Network connection down! Attempting reconnection.”
/sbin/ifdown $wlan
/bin/sleep 5
/sbin/ifup --force $wlan
echo “Network is Okay”
The Pi’s (and many SBC) have a watchdog timer built-in that can be triggered by any number of things, load, io, pid’s but most importantly a frozen PI.