
Does anyone know if it is possible to go back to a specific month under a free subscriber account? Aside from flying, I also like to go out every now and again and photograph airplanes. I have one photo of an ExpressJet ERJ on short final that I took several months ago, but don’t know it’s registration number. I was simply wondering if it would be possible to go back to the day I took the photo and match the arrival time with the time I took the photo. I know there is an option available to purchase data for an entire month, but it’s a little steep considering that I’m only looking for one registration number. Thanks in advance!

First thing: Please use a more descriptive subject line.

Answering your question. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics airline on-time database may be able to help you.

Click on download, then check the boxes that you want in the report. You may get a large file so be sure to narrow it down as much as possible. In the upper right hand corner, select the year and the month and filter by your state.

The latest data available as of today is November 2007.

We only have flight numbers for airlines, not registration/tail numbers. BTS, as dami mentioned, is the place to go for tail numbers.

Thanks for the replies, and I’ll try to keep the subject line as specific as possible from now on.

Any advice for using the RITA information with Microsoft Excel? I did try to narrow it down by using the Geography, Year, and Period fields. I also checked Carrier, Flight Date, FlightNum, TailNum, ArrTime, and Destination. I took the photo at Austin-Bergstrom (KAUS) on 10/18/2007 at 4:24 PM Central.

The “Carrier Code” for ExpressJet is XE. Since Microsoft Excel only allows 60,000 or so rows, the list stops at MQ, cutting off the rest of the list.

Thanks again!

Use a text editor to trim down the file from BTS to just the XE flights.

The flight was probably ExpressJet 319.

… how would I go about doing that?

Right click and choose Open with, then choose WordPad. You can scroll through and delete about the first 100,000 lines, then save it and open it again in Excel.

Thanks!! I’ll give it a shot. Thanks again for everyone’s help!

If you have it, use Microsoft Access or another database program.

I downloaded the data. The aircraft shown is N12195. It originated in Tulsa.

One caveat: The tail number is not always the registration number. In this case, it is, though.