I just saw a video on YouTube where a Citation CJ1+ was being used by Lufthansa for flight training and clearly marked as such. Is this common practice for commercial carriers to use such a small jet for training? If so, for what application(s)?
Sorry I really can’t answer your question, But i did upload a couple of aircraft that came through goose bay that were to be used by commercial airlines that were to be used as trainers. flightaware.com/photos/view/1028 … tes/page/1
Some of the international carriers use “ab initio” training, meaning “from the beginning”. In other words, they select applicants to go through a very strict and rigorous training program, much like military flight training, that is administered and payed for by the airline. Upon successful completion, the new pilot is employed as a first officer. Typical program time is 2 to 2 1/2 years, with approx 300 hrs of flying time.
Lufthansa uses Bonanzas, Barons, and Cheyennes for training in Phoenix. I would guess the CJ is used for advanced training.
EVA Air, KLM, and China Air also use this type of program.