Project SISIA, website

Hi everybody,

I don’t know if you remember us, but we send a post a few weeks ago about a project called SISIA. A project related to aviation that’s trying to predict flights’ late. This message is just to inform you that our website is now online! You will find a lot of information about our project by visiting it.

The website is in french, but it is easily understandable.

We are also inviting you to respond to our little quiz, that’s is going to help us in our project developpement.

Thank you!

                           SISIA project

Is there any chance you might create an English version?

I got a bad connection when I went to the page. All the letters were mixed up. It’s almost as though it was written in a foreign language.

Had a Toronto based organization hosted this website solely in English on a CA server, the Quebecois would be up in arms.

Must…fight…urge…to…make…surrender…joke…arms…up…in …air…too…easy…

We just put online an english version of the questionnary.

We are now working on making an entire english version of the website.

SISIA project


While there is no one more “French” than a Francophone resident of Quebec, the French could certainly take lessons in the art of war from the Quebecois based on their performance during WWII.

I know. It was just a French thing…geez. :laughing: