Is it possible to set up more than 5 alerts? I don’t want to track the aircraft, just be alerted via email when then have flight plans filed or have already departed. I am travelling through Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Georgia next month and am trying to track down a few Gulfstreams I still need to see, namely 26xG2s, 13x G3s, 14x G4s and 10x G5s. Approx 50% of which will be blocked anyway. Gives me the chance to be in the right place ot the right time.
A premium account will allow you to have more alerts, but you won’t be able to track blocked aircraft unless the owner has Selective Unblocking with us and wants to add you as a user.
Thanks for the replies. I don’t live in USA so would only want the alerts on a temporary basis whilst visiting. Is it possible to subscribe to Premium+ on a one month only basis?
Sure, just upgrade when you want and downgrade back to a normal user when you leave.