Planeplotter MLAT on flightaware

I don’t know if this is possible but I’m trying to find a way to share the MLATs created with my ADS-B tracking setup that uses Planeplotter instead of pi aware, or any other tracking program. As far as I can tell these are now going to the PlanePlotter Network only. Even know I’ve been sharing with flight aware for several years. Does anyone know if this is possible, and how one would go about accomplishing this? I know I’m doing and MLAT a due to the large MLAT log files I have.

Thanks for your time, Dan

This isn’t supported, and you should check what you are allowed to do with the planeplotter mlat data anyway - I think there are restrictions on redistributing it.

It is fine to share Planeplotter Data, there wouldn’t be a box on the sharing setup to share with flight aware or any other service if they didn’t want you to share the data.

You can share directly received data, but there is no way to export positions calculated with the planeplotter mlat network to other programs. It works a bit differently to the one flightaware is using, in that you have to select a particular aircraft and request an mlat position for it (assuming that is enabled for your account). It then directly collects data from numerous receivers that can see the aircraft and calculates the position locally. Calculated positions are fed back to the rest of the planeplotter network, but only at a rate of once every 30 seconds or so I think.

That’s what I thought. And why asked the question. I assume that the necessity to run an NTP client to keep the clock within a certain tolerance demonstrates that all goes through the PlanePlotter network and therefore can be shared. Unlike the local data collected by my ADS-B stuff.

It is fine to share data you have directly received.

The Planeplotter license forbids you from redistributing data received from other internet sharers. Multilateration is covered under this (“Note that the special licence conditions applicable to the Internet sharing feature, also apply to Multilateration.”)

So, no, you can’t forward multilateration results.

It is fine to share Planeplotter Data, there wouldn’t be a box on the sharing setup to share with flight aware or any other service if they didn’t want you to share the data.

Your are not sharing PlanePlotter data via those check boxes. Those are just making it easy to share the data from YOUR receiver (SBS, dongle, etc)that you send to PlanePlotter.