Piaware Status web does not show 978 Radio

Did a clean install on RPI Zero 2W with lite Bullseye 32bit. Followed this guide all is working

Except the Piaware Web does not show 978 Radio, dump978-fa is install and works.

the http://localhost/Skyaware and http://localhost/Skyaware978 work OK, but the piaware is not registering 978, also in statistic page it shows only 1090 not a 978



any idea what to do to get piaware to register 978?

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If you have just one dongle it will be using 1090Mhz. In order to have both, 978 and 1090 MHz you will need 2 dongles.

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thank you for your feedback. I have 2 dongles and both work fine I`m getting data feeds from both 1090 and 978.

problem is that piaware status page shows only 1090 and most likely does not feed 978 data outside since the staticstic pages only registers 1090/

also installed tar1090 and it does not show any TIS-B planes

but again /skyaware978 shows ~50 planes


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While your online stats page only lists “Feeder Mode: Mode-S (1090 MHz)”, it does in fact show your 978 traffic. Look in the tables for “ADS-B UAT”, which is 978.


thank you Sir.

it is strange I see planes in tar1090 which I do not see in skyaware and vice versa.

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