PHX - More International Flights?

PHX is arguably the largest U.S. city that has minimal international service. Aside from flights to Mexico and a few to Canada, the only “real” international flight is a daily British Air 747.

Certaintly compared to other cities of its size (and many quite smaller), Phoneix service is a liability in terms of international travel and recruiting PHX as a place to locate businesses.

I’m wondering what your thoughts are about this improving IF (and now, it appears to be a pretty big “if”) the AA/Cactus merger is approved. AA has the more updated longer range equipment, but will they use PHX to exploit what appears to be an underserved market (metro population about 3.5- 4 million)?

Thanks ahead of time for sharing your thoughts.

If the merger goes through AA or JAL service to NRT, likely on a 787, may finally be a possibility.

The BA service will become much stronger as it will then be hub to hub. However, I don’t see any other OneWorld hubs in Europe that would have enough demand for service from PHX.