Phpsysinfo - another nice to have for the raspi

click picture below to see ALL info:

depending on raspbian version and whether or not apache or php is installed:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php5-cgi
sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi (for lighttpd that comes with dump)
sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi-php (for lighttpd that comes with dump)
sudo service lighttpd force-reload (for lighttpd that comes with dump)
sudo apt-get install phpsysinfo
sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpsysinfo/ /var/www/html/phpsysinfo (for lighttpd that comes with dump)
sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf-available/phpsysinfo.conf (for those who use apache)

<Location /phpsysinfo>
		Options None
		Order deny,allow
		Allow from localhost
		# Allow from
		# Allow from all

sudo a2enconf phpsysinfo (for those who use apache)

sudo nano /etc/phpsysinfo/phpsysinfo.ini (stretch)
	SENSOR_PROGRAM=false => SENSOR_PROGRAM="PiTemp" (change this line from false to "PiTemp")
	PLUGINS=false => PLUGINS="PSStatus,PS" (change this line from false to "PSStatus,PS")

sudo nano /etc/phpsysinfo/config.php (jessie)
	define('PSI_PLUGINS', false); => define('PSI_PLUGINS', 'PS'); (change this line from false to 'PS')
sudo shutdown -r now
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