I’m very new to the Raspberry Pi B+. I notice if I use the web based Dump 1090 Display while running PIAware that I’m using about 85% of the CPU cycles.
Anybody have experience with the B+ and overclocking? Any advantages? Any recommendations? I do have a very good power supply for my Pi. Thanks.
Not sure why dump1090’s eating so much CPU on your B+. I have my B+ overclocked to 800 Mhz and dump1090 uses 25% of CPU consisitently. You can easily bump it up to 800 Mhz using ‘sudo raspi-config’ and a reboot. See if that helps.
Thanks, just did it. Load averages are better, but the most improvement was unexpectedly in WiFi latency. Prior, I was pinging the router from the Pi with ~150-160ms. Post-overclocking, its ~5ms. I guess an overclock should be standard operation.
The Raspberry Pi B+ that I recently purchased - manufacturered by RS Components Ltd UK - had a noted that included, in part:
“This product should not be overclocked as this may make certain components very hot.”
“This product should be operated in a well ventilated environment and should not be covered.”
Overclocking will cause additional current draw and heat dissipation which in turn may lessen its life. If you overclock and put it in a case - I’d be sure that the case provides adequate ventilation.
If you have connections to port 30003 (the SBS-format output) then stock dump1090 can actually take a lot of CPU just generating that output at higher message rates.
This pull request helps with that: github.com/MalcolmRobb/dump1090/pull/50
Unable to overclock piaware (buster not installed)
am i lookiing for a problem that is not there
installing buster first then piaware means i can over clock correct ?
have i solved my own problem ?