Open Source Aviation related software

Some “free” aviation related software can be found at

I plan to try some.

If others are interested in my “reviews” I can post accordingly.


This sounds interesting:
Flight Gear Aviation Training Device:
This project aims to create an open source tool for training pilots. It will meet the federal regulations (14CFR) of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to be a Personal Computer Aviation Training Device (PCATD).

This sounds like, but only with VFR sectionals:
Vifir processes and displays electronic aviation charts (currenty VFR Sectional Charts) produced by the U.S. National Aeronautical Charting Office in a similar way to an Electronic Flight Bag.

I downloaded this but saw nothing even remotely that resemebled a Windows based application file after using Winzip to extract the download file.

Made me think I downloaded the source file or it’s linux based, I just didn’t know…
