This is for people that use an airspy or want a lot more power than an RPI3B+.
about 2-7 times more powerful than an RPI3. 2-3 times the price.
Better and more memory (1320Mhz ddr4 - 2 or 4GB). RPI has 1GB lpddr2
6 cores (well 2 low power and 4 high power)
Full 1Gb/s ethernet
USB 3.0 (~ 10 times faster than the RPI3)
eMMC memory (optional) much faster than an SD card
massive passive heatsink (so no noise)
HDMI 2.0
better GPU(don’t use it so no idea about the difference)
What OS are you planning to run on it? Ubuntu or Android 9 Pie, or something else?
I have one on order to go with the Airspy. Haven’t done Linux in a while, but I am assuming that the installation instructions for Airspy are largely identical to the RPI installation HOWTO on the forum
Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.75 stable Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 4.14.94-odroidxu4
System load: 0.00 0.00 0.00 Up time: 3 days
Memory usage: 4 % of 1996MB IP: 192.168.x.y
CPU temp: 44°C
Usage of /: 7% of 29G
[ General system configuration (beta): armbian-config ]
I expect to use the same on the N2.
The arm airspy image worked on the XU4 without an issue.
I want to run two airspys, one for 1090 and one for 978. The new dump978-fa supports the airspy.
I have ordered one, however, it won’t ship until mid next week. I expect to get it in about 2 weeks.