Not sending message to flightaware using pfclient

HI There. 2 issues :

I am running pfclient and I see aircrafts.
pfclient is configured to echo on port 30054 its data coming from the 1090-puck (SBS3 format I think)

fr24feeder connects to pfclient without issue on port 30054 using SBS3 format
Planeplotter connects to pfclient on port 30054 without issue using SBS3 format

First issue :
However, PiAware DOES see msgs, but does not send them to flightaware.
“May 1 01:08:48 raspberrypi piaware[1983]: ADS-B data program ‘pfclient’ is listening on port 30054, so far so good
May 1 01:08:48 raspberrypi piaware[1983]: Starting faup1090: /usr/lib/piaware/helpers/faup1090 --net-bo-ipaddr --net-bo-port 30054 --stdout --lat 0.000 --lon 0.000
May 1 01:08:48 raspberrypi piaware[1983]: Started faup1090 (pid 3131) to connect to pfclient
May 1 01:13:20 raspberrypi piaware[1983]: 40 msgs recv’d from pfclient (7 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware”

Second Issue :
I am regularly getting this message :
May 1 00:47:46 raspberrypi piaware[1983]: Receiver location changed, restarting faup1090
May 1 00:47:47 raspberrypi piaware[1983]: faup1090 exited with SIG SIGHUP
May 1 00:47:47 raspberrypi piaware[1983]: reconnecting to pfclient

What is wrong with my setup of PiAware ?

Some other log to show the setup:
Apr 30 21:43:29 raspberrypi piaware[7370]: piaware version 3.5.3 is running, process ID 7370
Apr 30 21:43:29 raspberrypi piaware[7370]: your system info is: Linux raspberrypi 4.9.35-v7+ #1014 SMP Fri
Apr 30 21:43:31 raspberrypi piaware[7370]: Connection with adept server at established
Apr 30 21:43:31 raspberrypi piaware[7370]: TLS handshake with adept server at completed
Apr 30 21:43:31 raspberrypi piaware[7370]: FlightAware server certificate validated
Apr 30 21:43:31 raspberrypi piaware[7370]: encrypted session established with FlightAware

Why are you trying to feed flightaware from pfclient?
From where pfclient gets its data?
What is your hardware? Is it a Raspberry Pi +DVB-T, or Planefinder supplied radio?

If you look at the log, you will see it is a raspberry pi, using a Kinetic SDR 1090-Puck as hardware.
It is connected via USB to the Raspberry pi and works flawlessly.

I am feeding from pfclient because it is the setup I have and It must stay that way.

I am trying to understand why PiAware DOES receive messages from pfclient but does NOT send them to FlightAware.

Thanks for info about hardware, making it clear.
Sorry, I have no experience in Kinetic SDR 1090-Puck, so cannot help, but sure there are many in this forum who have this hardware and can help you. Wait for them to come up and answer.

To close and answer my own question, it is because the puck 1090 send messages in SBS format, which is not compatible with piaware.

maybe you can use modesmixer as an-in-between pfclient and piaware,
by receiving from 30054 (SBS) and output it as beast ie 31013.
works ok when I tried it, set port web 7667 for modesmixer and
was viewing ok what it was received/sent on browser.

/home/pi/modesmixer2 \
--web 7667 \
--inConnect \
--outServer beast:31013 \
--location 37.xxxx:23.xxxx &
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