Not having enough response of data

Hi i am not getting response of data… exact map location of flight travelling longitude latitude to show in maps as you show in demo,… also no parameters defining araaival time, delayed time, etcc…

They won’t give you the arrival time on your local SkyView page, it’s part of their product.
You will have to visit the website for such information.

As for exact position yes that should be displayed in SkyView.
With 3.6.3 you will need to click a plane and then scroll down on the right side in the data window.
What exactly is your setup and could you provide a screenshot with the problem?

Hi Team,
Currently we have integrated flightxml2.0 version. Kindly provide the code for 3.6.3 version which includes live flight tracking with position that should include latitude and longitude.

Mmmh, I think this is mixing up to different things, flightxml is one of the products FA sells, and this thread is about the feeding site of the business. I guess I’ll move it to flightxml…

If you are looking for recent position data for aircraft globally then the FlightXML2 GetLastTrack endpoint can be used

If you are seeking this information the directly from the updated Skyview interface for aircraft local to your PiAware setup the release notes and download link can be found here:

Hi Team,

Could you please provide more details like in which URL and what all the ident we need to pass to get the live flights position. Please provide the Sample PHP platform code(As you provided the code for XML version 2.0)

Thank you

If you are now using FlightXML v3 many public examples, including PHP, can be found on our GitHub here:

Otherwise all documentation for the PiAware v3.6.3 can be found through the earlier post link.

Hi Team,

Authentication Required showing this warning in flighttracking version 3, not accepting the same credentials which provided earlier for xml2 versions.

We are getting “Authentication Required” error response for version 3 for the provided User name and API key.

FlightXML3 requires a different API key than FlightXML2 (and vice versa). If you wish to use FlightXML3 you will need to request a new key specifically for that purpose.