Not for Profit ADSB

With the recent controversy over the sale of adsb Exchange I am not initially thinking of ceasing feeding but I have looked at two other, apparently not for profit sites.

Opensky-network seemed interesting but @abcd567 commented the forum very quiet so may be dying out, it does still share data though so worth a look… is interesting, the aim appears to be sharing data, there is no forum I am aware of so not sure how enthusiastically it is supported. Once you feed them they activate a return feed which is global that can be fed into VRS or similar.

Pretty sure, like adsbX it is unfiltered.


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ADSB.fl has sprung up in the last week or so. Reportedly some of the devs from adsbexchange are behind it. I started feeding it in addition to adsbexchange, but I’m reserving judgment on adsbexchange until we see what the new owners will do.

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Yes, heard talk of them, shrouded in a bit of mystery at the moment. Understand there is some discussion on discourse about it but I havent an account so not familiar with what is occurring.

I too shall continue with adsbX unless I see a major change.


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