New Raspberry Pi available - Pi 4

Unmodified? It does not work, I tried in the past.

2 Likes V3 does pretty good but not great oh HF with the Q branch sampling enabled. If you seriously want to do HF then you need an SDR like the SDR Play RSP1A or the Airspy HF which are both under 200 USD. If you look at my antenna pictures I posted two weeks ago you can see the wires for my home brewed HF loop. Sometimes I go after HF Utility stations like HFDL (HF ACARS). However, since the sunspot conditions are trash right now I tune into US shortwave stations.

What? No it’s not. The CPU stats are measuring the amount of wallclock time the CPU is spending doing work. Higher CPU frequency = same work takes less wallclock time = dip in apparent CPU used by a constant workload.

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went through all the tutorials Looking for the AIS one. Interested in that. Could you find it with a direct link to it, I could not

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Indeed. I had an SDRPlay RSP1A, and currently have an AirSpy HF+.

For HF, the AirSpy HF+ is better in my opinion. For those looking to buy one now, look at the brand new AirSpy HF+ Discovery. It started hitting people’s mailboxes this week. It’s smaller, cheaper, and has a tracking pre-selector at the input. All other specs are the same as the HF+.

As for the RTL-SDR Blog v3 dongle on HF, it was here doing nothing, and I always like doing things on the ‘cheap’.:smile:

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Some ideas here:

If you want a simple to do AIS receiver then this looks nice(Just add RPI, Antenna and a little code).

There are USB versions if you want it to be more universal (IE use on an non-RPI device).

I have similar hats for GNSS/GPS and APRS (Receive only).

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Sad part for my that the Gulf of Mexico is about 200 miles away
I wished there was more options for our hobby to use a hat on a Raspberry Pi

Not a lot of water near you. Rivers can also be interesting but I can’t see many nearby.

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There isn’t any navigable rivers that is withing 150 miles plus from my location. However I wonder for future reference, is AIS used on the Mississippi, Ohio rivers? Lots of traffic there.

AIS is built into a lot of radios. Not sure it is mandatory inland for commercial or non-commercial vessels.
(I have GMDSS licences, however, can’t recall the inland rules).

Here is a $US125 radio (probably needs GPS input) that does AIS

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The new Pi4 has been ordered. I picked up the 4gig version through AMAZON.
For the next 6 weeks I have nothing but time on my hands while I am healing from my surgery.


My 3rd RPI4 (4GB) just arrived. I will use it to replace my RPI 3B+ running an Airspy.


Let me know how that works out

The More You Know, The Less Confident You’ll Be


Has anyone used this?

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Yes there is. I frequent you can see the traffic all over the USA. Here is a quick screen print of the Mississippi from there

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Yes but my location is Central Texas. All the rivers here are more like creeks

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According to the link provided the release date is We are targeting end of 2019.

Also they state Hardware Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3+ Lite so it would not be Pi4 compatible.

Doesn’t seem to have a lot going for it for Flightaware and target price is $150-$200.


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Update. I have DUMP1090-fa running on the Pi4. I dont have the 978 side running but that isnt much of a priority. I need to install the graphs.

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