thedenverchannel.com/slidesh … etail.html
cbs4denver.com/video/?id=41523@k … om&cid=107
The Pilot did not make it
For Immediate Release
May 8th, 2007
At about 5:00 p.m. Colorado Wing Civil Air Patrol received a request
from Gilpin County to assist in the location of a down aircraft. The
passenger had called 911 with an approximate location. The plane is
believed to have gone down near Blackhawk.
CAP had an airplane launched within 45 minutes. In coordination with
the Gilpin County Sheriff, CAP requested assistance from the National
Guard with a high altitude helicopter with winch capabilities. The
National Guard sent a Blackhawk helicopter from Buckley AFB at 6:37
p.m. The Blackhawk was directed to the scene of the crash. The CAP
aircraft assisted with communications between the ground teams and
the Blackhawk helicopter. At 7:42 the crew of the helicopter reported
that they had one survivor on board and the pilot was deceased.
Both the CAP plane and the Blackhawk helicopter are still onscene at
this time. An update will be provided after the crews return safely.