He’s been shooting a movie outside Sante Fe for the past two months and been flying his G2 back and forth. Most likely it is there for heavy maintenance. I’ll bet there will be movement soon.
I wonder how he gets out of the 707 upon arrival. Does the butler push a stair ramp up to the door? Seems like he could at least afford to build a hangar for the G-II.
Note the car parking lot on the other side of the building across from the 707… are those all his, or does he have guests?
And you know the first idiot, er, person, to eat a lobster (or crab, for that matter) had to be really desperately hungry to eat something like that!
How the hell can you say that being in CA? I miss being in CA only for the fresh (straight off the boat) seafood. At least my lobster is still alive when it gets delivered, so it is just like being that fresh.
I’m not one of them rare native Californians. Gimme a steak any day. I don’t mind eating something that walks in its own crap but I’ll be damned if I’m going to eat something that swims (lobster, crab, fish) in its own crap. (Tunafish excepted because it comes in a round can and therefore really isn’t fish. No anchovies because, though the can is round, it’s not a circular can like tunafish. Besides, I don’t like my food looking at me with its eyes when I eat it!)
Go to BTV and look on the radar his plane is to the east of the airport my house it in the county north of the airport on the point of the county. So close to see it yet to far.