N Number & ICAO address

Thanks for responding @obj your suggestion for the d1090 adjustment.
I wonder if any user has changed the json and has this working to show reg numbers in the table instead of the default hex code.
I think this would be a great enhancement to d1090 mutability.

Here’s a Java class (translated from the python):

Probably can convert it to C but would need a lot of glue to simulate the cool python and java built-in methods…

public class NConverter {

    private final String base9;         // The first digit (after the "N")
                                        // is always one of these.
    private final String base10;        // The possible second and third digits
                                        // are one of these.

    // Note that "I" and "O" are never used as letters,
    // to prevent confusion with "1" and "0"

    private final String base34;
    private final int icaooffset;       // The lowest possible number
    private final int b1;               // basis between N1... and N2...
    private final int b2;               // basis between N10.... and N11....

    public NConverter() {
        base9 = "123456789";
        base10 = "0123456789";
        base34 = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
        icaooffset = 0xA00001;
        b1 = 101711;
        b2 = 10111;

    private String suffix(int rem) {
        String suf;
        // Produces the alpha(numeric) suffix from a number 0 - 950
        if (rem == 0) {
            suf = "";
        } else if (rem <= 600) {  // Class A suffix -- only letters.
            suf = Character.toString(base34.charAt(rem / 25));

            if (rem % 25 > 0) {
                suf += Character.toString(base34.charAt((rem % 25) - 1)); // second class A letter, if present.
        } else {    // rem > 600 : First digit of suffix is a number.  Second digit may be blank, letter, or number.
            rem -= 601;
            suf = Character.toString(base10.charAt(rem / 35));
            if (rem % 35 > 0) {
                suf += Character.toString(base34.charAt((rem % 35) - 1));

        return suf;

    private int enc_suffix(String suf) {
        int r0;
        int r1;

        // Produces a remainder from a 0 - 2 digit suffix.
        // No error checking.  Using illegal strings will have strange results."""

        if (suf.length() == 0) {
            return 0;
        r0 = base34.indexOf(suf.charAt(0));
        if (suf.length() == 1) {
            r1 = 0;
        } else {
            r1 = base34.indexOf(suf.charAt(1)) + 1;

        if (r0 < 24) {
            return r0 * 25 + r1 + 1;    // first char is a letter, use base 25
        } else {  
            return r0 * 35 + r1 - 239;  // first is a number -- base 35.

    public String icao_to_n(String val) {
        String nnum;
        int d1;
        int d2;
        int d3;
        int r1;
        int r2;
        int r3;
        int icao = Integer.parseInt(val.toUpperCase(), 16);

         * N Numbers fit in this range. Other ICAO not decoded.
        if ((icao < 0xA00001) || (icao > 0xADF7C7)) {
            return "";

        icao -= icaooffset;     // A00001
        d1 = icao / b1;
        nnum = "N" + Character.toString(base9.charAt(d1));
        r1 = icao % b1;

        if (r1 < 601) {
            nnum += suffix(r1); // of the form N1ZZ
        } else {
            d2 = (r1 - 601) / b2; // find second digit.
            nnum += Character.toString(base10.charAt(d2));
            r2 = (r1 - 601) % b2;  // and residue after that

            if (r2 < 601) {
                nnum += suffix(r2);   // No third digit.(form N12ZZ
            } else {
                d3 = (r2 - 601) / 951; // Three-digits have extended suffix.
                r3 = (r2 - 601) % 951;
                nnum += Character.toString(base10.charAt(d3)) + suffix(r3);

        return nnum;

    public int n_to_icao(String tail) {
        int d2;
        int d3;
        int icao;
        tail = tail.toUpperCase();
        if (!tail.startsWith("N")) {
            return -1;

        icao = icaooffset;
        icao += base9.indexOf(tail.charAt(1)) * b1;

        if (tail.length() == 2) { // simple 'N3' etc.
            return icao;

        d2 = base10.indexOf(tail.charAt(2));

        if (d2 == -1) {
            icao += enc_suffix(tail.substring(2, 4));    // Form N1A
        } else {
            icao += d2 * b2 + 601;    // Form N11... or N111..

            if (tail.length() != 3) { // simple 'N34' etc.
                d3 = base10.indexOf(tail.charAt(3));

                if (d3 > -1) {  // Form N111 Suffix is base 35.
                    icao += d3 * 951 + 601;
                    icao += enc_suffix(tail.substring(4, 6));
                } else {    // Form N11A
                    icao += enc_suffix(tail.substring(3, 5));

        return icao;

Can anyone advise how to connect a registration, callsign to an ICAO ID?
I see lots of ICAO ID’s with the letter N … next to it but flight aware does not have the
registration or call sign. I just go to the aircraft registration data base and pull up the Registration for the ICAO ID, and then listen to the radio for the call sign.

Is there anywhere we can add that information so that it shows up automatically for everyone?

If not Flight Aware is there any other site that does facilitate this info exchange?

VRS should give you the details you need.

You can setup the display to provide only the details that you want.

They even have pics of the actual plane.

CG tend to be government aircraft… c-gmpb c065e5… an RCMP aircraft.

I wrote a light, documented, and tested python script to translate ICAO addresses to N-Number and reciprocally: GitHub - guillaumemichel/icao-nnumber_converter: Script converting ICAO addresses to N-Numbers (Tail Numbers) and reciprocally. Only works for United States aircraft registrations.

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I don’t know how relevant this is but I was reading up about what ADS-B actually is (fascinating) and came across this line in System Design Considerations here: Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast - Wikipedia

“However, the FAA is allowing UAT-equipped aircraft to utilize a random self-assigned temporary ICAO address in conjunction with the use of beacon code 1200. 1090 ES equipped aircraft using ADS-B will not have this option.”

There is also this: New program extends ADS-B privacy to 1090ES - AOPA

“The FAA has announced a process that will allow operators of aircraft equipped with ADS-B Out using 1090 MHz Extended Squitter (Mode S transponder) technology to obtain real-time opt-out of ADS-B flight tracking.”

Again, I don’t know if this is important to this discussion but it sounded like it might be. I don’t know enough yet about the details to know.

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