I wanted to have MLAT aircraft displayed solid / vivid yellow and larger in Skyview.
can anybody help with settings please ?
Okay here’s what I’d recommend.
In the folder /usr/share/dump1090-fa/html. You’ll want to edit the file planeObjects.js find line 382 and add the following code.
// Show MLat aircraft larger and in yellow
if (this.position_from_mlat == true)
col = 'hsl(60,100%,50%)';
scaleFactor = 2;
play around with the scaleFactor if you want it larger, or the hsl values if you want the yellow, more yellow.
thanks, but neither setting worked…
We’ll need more info to debug. I’m running 3.6.2 of PiAware on a raspberian install. What’s version are you running? I put the code I shared in my planeObjects.js file and it definitely works for my version of the files.
Happy to email you my file if that’d help. Shoot me a pm with your email and I can send it over.
Here’s a screenshot of before and after. The top is an example of what an MLAT plane would look like by default. The bottom are an example of a 2x scale factor and in Yellow. If you want to change the border color away from blue, that can be found in the config.js.
I use piaware SD image 3.6.2
root@piaware:/home/pi# cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="9 (stretch)"
root@piaware:/home/pi# uname -a
Linux piaware 4.14.62-v7+ #1134 SMP Tue Aug 14 17:10:10 BST 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux
thanks, it works now, error as i added code AFTER line 382, scale 1.5
Looks good! Glad it worked for you!
I would appreciate a copy of your planeObjects.js. I am a lousy typist so I tend to be very careful but after entering the code the Pi would not boot. I ended up re-imaging the SD card.
OK I have modified the file planeObject.js
and uploaded it to my Dropbox. You can get the modified file by following method:
(1) First preserve the original file planeObject.js
by renaming it to planeObject.js.orig
. This will enable you to easily revert (in case something goes wrong) by renaming it back to planeObject.js
cd /usr/share/dump1090-fa/html/
sudo mv planeObject.js planeObject.js.orig
(2) Next download the modified file from my Dropbox
The second line below is very long, and as a result its right end is hidden.
Please scroll right to see & COPY IT IN FULL
cd /usr/share/dump1090-fa/html/
sudo wget -O planeObject.js "https://www.dropbox.com/s/8k247jvn3vufhn0/planeObject.js?dl=1"
(3) Clear Browser Cache (Ctrl+Shift+Delete) then Reload Browser (Ctrl+F5) so that it starts using new modified file planeObject.js
The original modification used scaleFactor = 2;
This made MLAT plane’s size too big.
In the Dropbox file, I have changed it to scaleFactor = 1.2;
This makes the MLAT planes not too big, but slightly larger than ADSB planes.
If you want larger size, change scaleFactor = 1.2;
to scaleFactor = 2;