I was curious as to what is needed to break a streak and I found this post from a FA staffer. I’d like to check what is classed as a “day-long” outage. Is it:
Site stops feeding. Timer starts. When timer gets to 24 hours, the streak is broken.
Example – router problem prevents site feeding at 3.28pm one day. At 3.00pm the following day the problem is fixed and site resumes feeding. Is it still on the same streak because the outage was 23 hrs 32 mins and so not a day-long outage? If the problem had taken 30 more minutes to fix, taking the outage to 1 day and 2 mins, would the streak now be broken?
Site stops feeding one day. Once the local time clocks past midnight it’s now classed as a day long outage and the streak is broken.
Example – the RPi loses power at 11.50pm. 10 mins later it’s now the next day and so a day-long outage. Is the streak now broken?
It is based on UTC/GMT time.
If you send data at 00:01 UTC you are good until 23:59 the next UTC/GMT day.
You could be down for 47 hours and ~58 minutes yet not miss a day.
My first and only site is now 920 days, with hard times like antenna shortcuts and things like that, but still running fine
Congrats to all of you for such records you made!!
Well Done man! Having a good electric supplier, and a UPS helps with streaks. Also not having the Pi do much of anything else other than Piaware helps a lot too.
Thanks, I see, so a site’s streak is broken if an entire date comes and goes where no data was received. As long as some data is received every day, even for one minute, the streak continues.
Is this documented anywhere on the site or by staff in this forum? It would be handy as a future reference.
This isn’t documented anywhere but this is how the streak works. We use UTC time for the days.
So minimum time offline will be 24 hours (if you go offline just before 0 UTC). Maximum time is 48 hours if you go offline right after UTC change of day.
We have a FAQ that has a lot of the questions answered. This will probably be where we will put this type of information. https://flightaware.com/adsb/faq
Today, one of my sites (12598) joined the ‘1090 Club’ - online and feeding Flightaware for part or all of the last 1090 days.
This is my original site near CYXE which has PlanePlotter running on an old Panasonic Laptop running Windows XP. Laptops are great for feeding, because of the built-in rechargeable battery which tends to tide them over during the inevitable minor power failures.
There have been a few equipment improvements along the way. Starting with a TV cable collinear and a generic black dongle and moving up to a 10 1/2 element heliax collinear and an FA-Pro (orange) dongle. For most of the past year the CPU has been one of the tiny Nexx WT3020 mini routers running OpenWRT/Lede and Dump1090-mutability. Between the antenna and the dongle is an LNA4ALL and ceramic filter from 9A4QV (Thanks Adam !!)
The entire setup sits in the corner of a second story guest room, which still provides good coverage in most directions. Not as good as the rooftop site, but much easier to experiment with, especially in the winter time.
I lost my streak on both of my sites due to hurricane Ian knocking out power and pretty much any chance of internet to pretty much my whole region. Wish I could get them back.
32908: Longest Streak: 1215 days (6/2/2019 - 9/28/2022)
118104: Longest Streak: 637 days (12/31/2020 - 9/28/2022)