As admin are not answering questions which airlines are including REG then I guess it’s up to us to find them out for ourselves.
So far I’ve found
Anyone found any others?
As admin are not answering questions which airlines are including REG then I guess it’s up to us to find them out for ourselves.
So far I’ve found
Anyone found any others?
You are welcome to search on your own & I guess you can be indignant if you want, but this has been answered in at least two different threads (including one of yours), on our Facebook page, and and this thread now:
United, Delta, Continental, Frontier, Air Canada, Thai, El Al, Singapore, Air New Zealand, SAS, ANA…and some smaller carriers. More coming all the time.
Sorry that I didn’t find them randonly posted in the middle of a non-related thread called “airline enhancements”
. However, I can’t argue with you about them being in the original thread I started
. How I missed that post I’ll never know so I’ll stick my hand up in a waving sort-of-fashion and apologise for that. 8)
As for Facebook, well I would have never known since Facebook is for kids and people without jobs that have far too much time on their hands. One wouldn’t really expect to have to go wandering off round the web to find information which should be posted on the site that it relates to.
FWIW I still think a sticky thread/post would be appropriate showing ALL the ones that are currently covered, and adding to it when you’re able to source data from others. 2p…
Dan are these are covered now or are still in the planning stage?
In addition to UAL, DAL and COA, I’ve now also found the FFT ones. However, all the others are not tracking by REG. I have tried 10 different ACA 777s, all 4 THA A345s, all 6 ELY B777s, all 5 SIA A345s, the last 3 REGs for the ANZ1/2 flt and nothing for any of the SAS A330/340s or ANAs either. Is there a special way to enter the REG or ? I’ve tried just as letters and also tried with the hyphen but it doesn’t return anything on either of them.
Searching for airline flights by foreign tail number now works. Covers Air Canada, Singapore, etc but is not universal.
Thai Airways as well !!!
mduell you should give us a list of supported airlines. Who else if not you?
So, do we have an up to date list of what these smaller carriers are please and what any new larger carriers may be?
I presume as all the data is imported direct from the airlines, then your Database guys need to set up a new import routine for each one, so it should be very straight forward for them to include a page which lists all the airlines currently included…after all, why have this function available, but not let people know for which airlines it covers?
We get fleet numbers or registration numbers for the following airlines. For some airlines (e.g., Delta) that send fleet numbers, we’ve translated that to registration so you can track by tail #.
ANA Wings
Air Berlin, Inc.
Air Canada
Air China
Air Georgian
Air Japan
Air New Zealand Ltd.
Air Nippon Co. Ltd.
All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd.
Asiana Airlines
Atlantic Airways, P/f, Faroe Islands
Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Inc.
Avialeasing Aviation Company
BMI Regional
British Midland Airways
Bulgarian Lucky Flight
Caribbean Airlines
Chautauqua Airlines
Cimber Air A/s
Colgan Air
Comair, Inc.
Compass Airlines
Continental Air Lines Inc.
Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Deutsche Lufthansa, A.g.
Edelweiss Air AG
Egypt Air
El Al - Israel Airlines Ltd.
Etela-Pohjanmaan Lentokeskus Oy
ExpressJet Airlines
Finnair O/y
Frontier Airlines, Inc.
GoJet Airlines
Golden Air Flyg AB
Hawaiian Airlines
Helvetic Airways
LTU Lufttransport-Unternehmen GmbH (Dusseldorf)
Lineas Aereas Costarricenses, S.A. (LACSA)
Mesa Airlines
Mesaba Airlines D/B/A Delta Connection
Pinnacle Airlines, Inc. D/B/A Delta Connection
Portugalia, Companhia Portuguesa de Transportes Aereos S.A.
Republic Airways
SN Brussels Airlines
Scandinavian Airlines System
Shuttle America
Singapore Airlines Limited
SkyWest Airlines
South African Airways
Swiss International Airlines
TAP - Transportes Aereos Presidente S/A
Taca International Airlines S.a.
Thai Airways International Ltd.
Trans States Airlines, Inc.
Transportes Aereos Portugueses, E.p.
Turk Hava Yollari (Turkish Airlines Co.)
US Airways
United Air Lines Inc.
If an airline is on that list and you can’t track by reg number, feel free to volunteer to supply a mapping for us.
Wow, now that really IS an impressive list…you definitely need to make all your users fully aware of it…I presume though that the listings are what the airlines tell you, are scheduled to do the flight, opposed to ones that actually operate them?
Their dispatch software sends it to us, so it’s subject to change and they will amend it. We do get tons of ACARS and transponder data (“what actually operates it”), but don’t currently update our database with that info…so that list will grow substantially when/if we decide to import that real-time data.
Understood, and that makes sense…thanks for the replies
Just seen your comment:
‘If an airline is on that list and you can’t track by reg number, feel free to volunteer to supply a mapping for us. Wink’
What exactly do you mean here please? Fleet code : reg tie-up?
I want to note that Air France, Iberia, Lufthansa, and US Airways should not have been included in the list.
Ok, might be able to do that for you…I’ll do some random checks of aircraft from each airline and get back to you.
Air France and Iberia were not on your original listing.
Finally got through looking at the the list and here are my observations:
Aviateca was merged into TACA a while ago
TACA Regional though uses the old code for Aviateca GUG/GU
BLF/KF - Is actually Blue 1…Bulgarian Lucky Flight flight went out of business 11 years ago!
LTU/LT - LTU Lufttransport-Unternehmen GmbH (Dusseldorf)
Does not exist - Merged into Air Berlin in March 2007
RPA/? - Republic Airways
Partial fleet listing, but they do keep moving aircraft to other operators, so not sure if code/reg tie up issue or not
And the following I can find no record of any registrations on your website at all:
BMI/WW - bmibaby
COM/OH - Comair, Inc.
CPZ/CP - Compass Airlines
MES/XJ - Mesaba Airlines D/B/A Delta Connection
FLG/9E - Pinnacle Airlines, Inc. D/B/A Delta Connection
COM & FLG certainly have tail codes, which you may need a tie up for to their registrations. Not sure about the rest though.
Perhaps if admin can send me half a dozen example codes/registrations you have from each of these operators, than I can see what tie up you need and can hopefully supply that info to you, as you requested.
Any new operators added since your last listing?