Ok so 2 Posts in a Row in here…I’m on a Roll…or trying to up my Post Count…
Anyways, I was reading an article from earlier this summer about the Purdue Airport Authority trying to woo some Commercial service here, but having a VERY hard time of it…Primarily because KIND is an hour drive, and KORD or KMDW is about a 2 or so hour drive, depends on Traffic…thus there is no real People to fly…But some people were using Terre Haute and KHUF as an Example, because they’ve apperantly secured some Commercial Service, Except the Airport and City are Guarenteeing Profits and are Subsidizing the Operation…
For 2 years I was a Volunteer for the Terre Haute airFair, and at the Last meeting I went to, Dennis Dunbar(then the Airport Director) made the Remark that there would be some construction going on around the time fo the Air show, as they had to expand the Terminal in order to get some Commerical Service there…
However Dennis’ remarks and the little Blurb in the Journal & Courier story are all that I’ve been able to find about Service to KHUF…
So…Does anyone know who it would be and if they are still going through with it??..I moved up here to Lafayette prior to that Years Air Show so I wasn’t there to see any Construction, nor have I Seen any signs of Construction on the Terminal Building the Few times I’ve been back home and by the Airport…
Great Lakes ran Once Daily service from Terre Haute to Midway for about 4 years or so as United Express…and I was just curious, like I said, if anyone might know something…or somewhere to look…
Click Here for airport staff and email address and phone number.
I’m sure if you call or email, you can find the info you seek.
Airport Development Zone
The Indiana General Assembly has designated the area around Terre Haute International Airport as an Airport Development Zone to encourage development of the area primarily for airport-related businesses. Businesses locating in and investing in the zone receive tax credits similar to those available in the Urban Enterprise Zone. In addition, the Airport Authority is permitted to use tax allocation financing to pay for public infrastructure to support business activity in the zone. The Airport Development Zone encompasses 5,070 acres and includes the 180-acre Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, South Campus-Certified Technology Park.
Passenger service was originally provided by TWA, which discontinued service in 1965. Regional and commuter airlines continued to provide passenger service through the late 1980s. Airline service was provided by Great Lakes Aviation, Ltd d/b/a United Express from 1995 through the summer of 1999. No passenger service currently exists at the airport.
LOL…Yeah it’s a bad habit I’ve picked up somewhere along the way on this here internets…If I REALLY think about it, I can type a whole paragraph without doing it…Like now…
I’ve got a friend who writes down all the letters I capitalize when I chat with him, he’s convinced I’m trying to send subliminal messages through chat…
With the current economics of commercial service to small cities, it’s virtually impossible to operate a Beech 1900, E120, or Saab 340 without some sort of subsidy and have a hope of breaking even. Also, you have to look at the potential destinations. DL no longer has prop operations at CVG. UA and AA don’t have prop operations at ORD and YX is dropping all their prop service, meaning all that’s left in the midwest is NW at DTW and CO at CLE (which is a very small operation and a very small hub). Since they basically have a monopoly on that service, there’s a lot of small airports in the region bidding for their service meaning you’ll have to offer a pretty big subsidy.
Spasmosis of the little fingers, a rare condition that occurs when those fingers suddenly go into spasms in proximity to the shift key. You ought to check it out with your medical service practitioner or chiropractor. There is one known fatality, occuring when a driver had a spasmosis attack while texting in the Carpel Tunnel connecting Florida’s Shift Keys.