Hello everybody. I’m actually working on a Reactjs application working with FlightXML (so I’m using Javascript), and I just can’t gather information into the code.
Here’s an example: I try to gather informations on flights that arrive at DXB to use it later:
var myTAB = {}
function (data, response) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.AirportBoardsResult.departures.num_flights; i++) {
let myFlight = data.AirportBoardsResult.departures.flights[i]
var utcSeconds = myFlight.estimated_departure_time.epoch;
var d = new Date(0)
myTAB['flight' + i] = {
id: myFlight.ident,
airline: myFlight.airline,
The first console.log give me the right object with 15 objects inside but the second one is undefined. What’s happends and how to fix it ? (I’m in Free mode, no pricing)